Builds a CustomButtonWidget
Text the button label
Consumer<CustomButtonWidget> action to invoke when the button is clicked or activated
Sets the active state of this button.
Sets the dynamic active state of this button.
Builds a CustomButtonWidget instance
Applies a TooltipChild to this button for passing additional tooltip info
Sets the XY position and width/height of this widget. Defaults are position 0, 0 and 150w x 20h
Sets the height of this widget. Default value is 20
Sets the dynamic label text this button.
Applies a narration appender to this widget for adding narrations on top of the standard button narrations. Default is none.
Applies a narration supplier to this widget. Default is the standard supplier for buttons, which narrates the button as "Message button"
Disables rendering of the label provided to the button
Positions the widget in both x and y. Default is 0, 0
Sets the width and height of this widget. Default is 150w x 20h
Defines the texture for rendering the button background. The sprite rendered will not change based on object state.
Defines the texture set used for rendering the button background
Applies a Tooltip to this widget. Default is null
Applies the provided text as a Tooltip to this widget. Default is null
A tooltip supplier for this widget. Default is null
Sets the width of this widget. Default value is 150